BP-REX Tablets

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BP-Rex possesses different alkaloids which has got action on the central nervous system and cardio-vascular system. For its well marked hypnotic and sedative properties and also for its blood pressure reducing effects. BP –Rex has been used extensively in physiatry for anxious, tense and hyperactive patients associates with hypertension.
The central nervous system which is the main site of action is probably on the hypothalamic level producing an alteration of the sympathetic, para-sympathetic balance by supperessing particularly the sympathetic predominance. BP-Rex also produces by transquillizing and sedative effect without development oftolerance or addition. It effectively causes relaxation of the muscles and reduces spontaneous motor activity and aggressiveness.
Cardio-vascular system:- BP-Rex produces moderate hypotension mostly due to its depression effect on the vasomotor system and partly due to its vasodilator action, hypotensive effect is more marked in hypertensive than in normotensive subjects.


High Blood Pressure
Stress & Anxiety

1-2 Tab twice a day.

Container of 10 Tab



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